True Sk8board Mag


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Tell us about your new EP, Set It On Fire. Is there a theme behind it?

There is somewhat of a theme behind it. The songs are a bit of a criticism of the world’s state of affairs. The song “Set it on Fire” talks about the reckless abandonment of basic human responsibility, “Make Up Sex” talks about how us humans are really fucking it up by being so divided, and there’s really no good reason to justify it, and “One Man Town” talks about being so one-sided and stubborn that you end up burning all bridges and alone.

How did you decide on the EP title?

We thought the title for the first song we wrote encapsulated what we wanted to say, and when we saw the artwork our good friend Jeff Henderson drew for the EP, we were sold.

Do you guys have a favorite song to play live?

They’re all very fun to play, so it changes when you add new songs to the set. Having said that, “One Man Town” is usually our show closer and climax.

Your band is made up of two Colombians, an American and a Norwegian, how does having different backgrounds play a role in your music?

It has definitely had an impact on the lyrics, but we’re really looking forward to the day we write a Nordic Cumbia!!! We truly believe that diversity is a strength and not a weakness. Our diverse backgrounds definitely make our sound unique.

Do you find that the current state of politics has an effect on your songwriting?

Absolutely! We are a band of immigrants who grew up listening to rock n’ roll. We feel empathy for those who’ve had to leave their homes for a better future and are pissed at those who use the most vulnerable as scape goats. We’re pissed at a world that puts stupidity and shallowness on a pedestal, and that’s what you are going to hear in our music.

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If two or three other bands got together and made a baby. Who would VIKINGO’s parents be?

I’d say Bowie, Queens of The Stone Age, and the Sex Pistols

What is next for VIKINGO?

We have started to work on a follow-up to Set It On Fire. This time, we’re aiming for a full-length album to be released early 2019. We are also working on a video for “One Man Town.” – AB


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