True Sk8board Mag

10qs: Jimmy Van Genabith

10qs: Jimmy Van Genabith


What got you into skateboarding?


I started skateboarding because a friend of mine got a skateboard for his birthday. At that time, I was about 17 years old. Before that I (unfortunately) played soccer for 11 years. It was always fun, but when I discovered skateboarding it changed my whole life. I suddenly felt so free and found out that there are also sports where there is no pressure to perform, but rather the fun and the good feeling are in the foreground. What also fascinated me was the variety of tricks and possibilities. And of course, the feeling of family in the whole scene simply cannot be compared to other sport or youth groups.


What is your skate scene like in your city?


Switzerland is a small country, which means it is difficult to only speak of one city. In the Swiss skate scene people know each other, the crews are very mixed, and you go skating together. There are many single crews but still we are like one big family.


What is you to go trick to start your sesh?

Do you mean before I mongo pushed to the spot?

Or when I run out of the house with the mall grab?

Ha-ha… Just a joke.

Before the session can start you first have to stretch your fingers

Afterwards preferably a chilly curb session to warm up.

Ha-ha… just an ollie at street spots but mostly a backtail.


Do you feel skateboarding has changed your life? How?



When I was still playing soccer, I used to go out with my former friends (probably out of boredom) and do a lot of unnecessary shit. We used to steal and do stupid things. I do not want to go into details. But I was close to being sent to a youth correction center.

But with the first monogopush I do and the changing circle of friends these things suddenly stopped, and I had more important things on my mind.

For my mother it was difficult to believe that I had found something that meant so much to me, that I simply stopped playing soccer (almost from one day to the next) and especially that I also gave up the whole shit with my friends at that time. The police and school problems were replaced by visits to the doctor and a more balanced Jimmy. I would say that without the skateboard I would probably have ended up in a youth correction center or later in jail if I had continued like before.

I am also incredibly happy that I have a mother who always stood / stands behind me and supported me.

Skateboarding has changed my life for the better.


What pro skater inspires your skateboarding?


There are too many good skaters to commit to just one now. I like to shred handrails and I can only think of Jamie Foy who fascinates me with his incredible board control. But I really do not have any single person who really inspires me. Like I said, there are too many fascinating skaters in this world.




Do you prefer watching skate videos on social media or buying it? Why?


Mostly I go to Instagram when I am on the go and have a look around there. First because I can see a lot of my friends there and not only pros. And if I see Insta trailers from provideos or parts, I obviously go and look at these on YouTube.

What is the gnarliest trick you have ever done? How did you feel when you landed it?


Difficult to say… often must fight at the spot… ha-ha.

Um… at this point of time of point only one line with 2 handrails comes spontaneously to mind. This was in Germany at a school. A perfect spot with an 11 and an 8-stair handrail. I made a line with fs boardslide and 50/50 on both rails. The fs board on the 11er went well, but after landing I picked up a lot of speed which did not made the 50/50 easy. It was a real fight. But at the end of the day, I was able to film the line and although everything hurt, I could fall asleep with a good feeling. There is no better feeling than after a hard fight with the spot, to go on riding and to have won.


Tell us little bit about your local skate shop & what they do for skateboard scene?


The shop called Blue Tomato and I am incredibly happy there. The shop does a lot for the Swiss skate scene, organizes many contests and Go Skateboarding Day events in a lot of cities, supports local skaters with stuff and offers a springboard for further sponsors.


What is your daily routine before you go shred?


Nothing special… I mostly watch skate videos on Instagram or YouTube before I go skating, do some stretching, eat a banana, text the homies and meet at the spot.


Any inspiring words you want to tell the next generation of skaters?


Have fun!!!!! It is not about how much fame you have, but about the incredible feeling of freedom that a piece of wood with four rolls can give you.

One Love!


I want to thank my mom, the rest of my family, my homies, and my sponsors: Death Skateboards, Blue Tomato, Carhartt WIP, Rockstar Bearings, Rip balm Skate wax, Releaf Switzerland, & True Skateboard Mag for opportunity


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