True Sk8board Mag

Muisc Box: ACER

Muisc Box: ACER


Tell us about your new single, “Vacant.”

Kyle: Vacant was written primarily in February/March of 2019. It was the first song that we actually really worked on together in the same room.


Is there a lyric you would like to highlight?

Kyle: “keep me in your contacts”. It feels classic, timeless… but modern at the same time.


How did ACER as a project first come together?

Kyle: it was a happy accident. Connery had heard some demos I was working on and dug the sound, I guess. He offered to do some vocals, so I sent him a few demos. He would send them back to me with vocal ideas and we went from there.


Describe your sound in three words.

Kyle: dreamy, spacious, emotional.


What inspired “Vacant”?

Kyle: I remember it came at the end of a long winter and I was feeling pretty exhausted. Musically I was listening to the first Tomberlin record & Slowdive. Cocteau twins as well.



Who did you work with on the track?

Kyle: we had some big assists on this one. Will Crann who mixed the track came in and really cleaned everything up. We actually ended up having to re-record the drums during the mixing process because what we’d done at home wasn’t working. Zach Cockburn came out to the studio to play drums and brought a great energy to the track.


What has been the biggest change in your lives over the past year?

Kyle: we are both city boys now. Con lives in Mtl and I am in Toronto. We had been living together in the woods of rural Barrie, ON for 2 years so we are back to collaborating digitally again.


Where would you perform tomorrow if you could anywhere in the world?

Kyle: for me it would have to be Japan, so Tokyo, I guess.


What is next for you?

Kyle: We have some new material on the way.  We will just be releasing some singles & playing shows.


And finally, where can readers follow you?

Kyle: you can follow us on Instagram if you want to!

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