True Sk8board Mag

How I do Magic on Skateboards

How I do Magic on Skateboards

We sat down with Joe Ledoux on our personal podcast ‘One on One’, to talk to him about his magic on a skateboard. Here is some art work, photos of his book, & a video of him having fun with Magic on a skateboard   

“My new Skate video is about losing something you love. When that happens we have to ask ourselves what was really there? It’s about breaking every rule in skateboarding, not in a cool clever way, but rather in a more vulnerable personal style, and at its core it’s about courage. It’s an homage to the Emo genre which I admire for it’s poetic honesty, emotion, and its roots in skateboard culture.” – Joe Ledoux
 photo by: Ciarán Crawley 

I hope you enjoyed Joe’s story, video & art work. just click on the links if you would like to sit down & read Joe’s book ‘ The Magic of Skateboarding’ or ‘Chapbook Skate Spots’

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