True Sk8board Mag

10qs: Ruby Lilley

10qs: Ruby Lilley


What got you into skateboarding?

When I was younger, I was really into dancing. I did ballet and competitive ballroom dancing. I really liked it, but I started messing around on the skateboard because my brothers skated all the time. Anytime my brothers did something I always wanted to copy them and do it with them. So, when they did dance or skateboarding, I wanted to do it, too. My dance studio was conveniently located across the street from the skatepark. I could not figure out why my brothers were so addicted to skateboarding until I started going to the Ocean Bowl skatepark. My mom was kind of disappointed when I said I did not want to go to dance class anymore. I just wanted to skate


What is your skate scene like in your city?

I am from Ocean City, Maryland, and the skate scene there is small. We only have three small skateparks in an hour radius. There were very few female skaters there. I skated regularly at Ocean Bowl which has a pretty rad history. The scene was small and tight knit.

When I came out to California 3 years ago, the female skate scene blew my mind. The female skaters in California are insanely good and it really pushed me a lot. The whole culture seemed like a dream. We never thought we would live in California, we were just visiting and ended up staying.


How Do you feel skateboarding has changed your life?

Skateboarding has changed my life a lot. I feel a lot better physically and mentally when I skateboard. I have had a lot of life changes and skateboarding has gotten me through. Skateboarding has helped me express myself more confidently. Skateboarding allows me to feel whole. Most every time I come home from a session, I feel fulfilled and it makes me feel happy!


What pro skater inspires your skateboarding?

I feel like ALL the pro skaters inspire me in their different unique ways. It is so hard to choose because each skater brings forth their amazing style and personality. They are all amazing! I would not have enough time to list each one that inspires me. I like Oski, Cocona Hiraki, Lizzie, Brighton, Cory Juneau, Mami Tezuka, and Sakura Yososumi


Do you prefer watching skate videos on social media or buying it? Why?

I prefer watching skate clips on social media or skate videos on YouTube because it is free and easy. I remember watching Bones Brigade documentary with my brothers and it really affected me and my fam. It was so cool to watch an Osiris kids team skate video at YMCA camp with a bunch of friends. I think it is fun to watch vids with friends but even more fun to go to a premier. H-street is working on a video for their girls’ program and It is featuring Addison Taylor and myself. It has been so fun getting clips for the film and it has really pushed me. H-Street filming is awesome and there is quite a history there with Shackle Me Not and Hokus Pokus. What has happened since skating for H-Street has changed my life and really is kind of hard to process.



What is you to go trick to start your sesh?

My go to trick to start my sesh is a front Smith but lately back nose grind has been giving me the most satisfaction!


What is the gnarliest trick you have ever done? How did you feel when you landed it?

Probably a 17 foot drop in to a 4 1/2 to 5-foot air on my Brazilian friends 14-foot vert ramp. It is the B-team ramp and it is so fun and a little scary


Tell us little bit about your local skate shop & what they do for skateboard scene?

My local Skateshop is Socal Skateshop and they are so sick!!I remember my brothers ordering stuff from them when we lived in Maryland. I did not even skate at that time. I never dreamed I would be in California skating for Socal Skateshop. They have such a great team with so many great skaters I am so happy to be on the team.


What is your daily routine before you go shred?

My daily routine before I skate is wake up, do school, get dressed, yoga/stretch, and go skate! I do aerial silks and surf, too.


Any inspiring words you want to tell the next generation of skaters?

No matter what happens never give up! Always believe in yourself because YOU CAN DO IT! Skateboarding is for everyone no matter what race, gender, status, or size you are. Most of all, have fun!

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