True Sk8board Mag

10qs: Randy Matusko JR

10qs: Randy Matusko JR


When did skateboarding change your life? 

the first time I skated a half pipe my whole world changed street skating with my friends was fun but never truly fulfilled me or intrigued me. While all my homies would jump downstairs or try to grind rails I was busy in the half-pipe or bowls, transition skateboarding wasn’t very popular among my age group when I started skating in 2003 so spent a lot of time skating alone just like I do now.


What is your favorite trick and why?  

my favorite trick is any variation of a boneless classic timeless trick


With skateboarding in the Olympics, do you think skateboarding can prostitute itself or to lose the true essence?

skateboarding is what you make it! Skateboarding as a whole can never lose its essence unless you as a person allow it to. Its always been about perspective for me.


When was the first time you won a skateboard contest & how did you feel?   

I won my first local contest when I was 15 and I would be lying if I said it didn’t feel damn good to win that board and medal. I am competitive by nature but in my mind, in a contest, I don’t compete with anyone but myself.


Skateboarding and music are very connected to each other, what do you like to listen to while skateboarding?

I have a big Dewalt radio I bring to every session. I love music and always have but skateboarding is married to punk rock! Duane Peters has always been one of my favorite skaters and that’s what honestly got me into punk. I will put on some slow jammy doom metal too. Weedeater, The misfits, bongzilla, black flag, JFA, electric Wizzard, minor threat, trash talk, wind hand & the list goes on and on!


Do you prefer to shred in the streets or in skateparks? Why?

I skate transition so skateparks are usually where I end up. The equivalency to skating street for me is hitting a back yard pool or half pipe



Have you ever thought about giving up skateboarding? Why?

The end game is something I’ve never even considered as Jay Adams said you don’t quit skateboarding because you get old because you quit skateboarding. I am 28 now I refuse to believe I’m getting older the kids that rip in my local scene in  northeastern North Carolina and Hampton roads in Virginia are just getting younger and gnarly


What inspires you to shred and evolve every day? fame or just fun?

Fun for sure! if your into this for fame your into this for the wrong reasons. I started skating when I was a kid for fun, not fame and I’ve kept I this way for 15 years if it stops being fun why even do it?


What is your daily routine before you go shred?

if its Monday through Friday I get home from work around 4 pm and try to get to my local park by 5 pm and skate till dark. If it’s a Saturday or Sunday I and my wife usually pick a park in our area and go film.


Any inspiring words you want to tell the next generation of skaters?

Stay true to you! skate what excites you and inspires you to grow whether that be a vert ramp or a funbox. Don’t let anyone tell you that what you enjoy isn’t cool or trendy!     SPECIAL SHOUT OUT TO- My mom Sue for all the encouragement and support and to my dad Randy sr. for pushing me to be the best and spending all the hours at various skateparks I would also like to thank true skateboard mag, intrusive skateboards and there owner josh for giving me an amateur spot on the team and all my homies Dillon Christensen, Javier, Jeremy aka Big Worm, Marky Mark, Nick, Ron “Big Daddy” Oneal and his boys little Ronnie Oneal and Dylan Oneal, Brian Linkenhoager and my favorite young ripper Cam Graham!

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