True Sk8board Mag

10qs: Niv Halpren

10qs: Niv Halpren


What got you into skateboarding?

When I was 5 years old my parents used to take me to a little old skatepark to ride my toy car, and I found myself just sitting there and staring at the skateboarders. They looked rad, and I had fun watching them landing their weird tricks. It looked magical and I knew I wanted to do that one day too. I kept going there for years until I eventually got my own board.


What is your skate scene like in your city?

I am the only skater in my town. The scene in the big city next to me is not excessively big, but kind of colorful.


What is you to go trick to start your sesh?

Ollie. In a skatepark I would start with a few Roll ins and Rock n Rolls.


Do you feel skateboarding has changed your life? How?

Without skateboarding I would not even be alive to answer these questions. Four years ago, I was diagnosed with a rare form of a life-threatening disease. I almost died. They said I was going to either die or stay crippled, but they did not know I was a skateboarder. Skateboarding kept me hungry for life. Watching skate videos, reading old mags, and getting loved and supported by the skateboarding world have always kept me stoked and excited about life. Deep inside I knew it was just a matter of time until I was going to be back on my board. After a difficult but full recovery process, here I am.


What pro skater inspires your skateboarding?

The whole Heroin Skateboards team, and the company’s owner, Mark Foster. I also love Erick Winkowski, Nolan Johnson, Raney Beres, the Gonz, Neil Blender, Lance Mountain, Ben Raybourn, Ben Koppl, and many more.



Do you prefer watching skate videos on social media or buying it? Why?

My physical skate videos collection probably says it all. If an official company’s channel, or a skateboard mag put their video online, I might just watch it there, but if I really love and appreciate the guys who stand behind the video, I’d pay and get myself a physical copy too.


What is the gnarliest trick you have ever done? How did you feel when you landed it?

I really do not know, honestly. With all what is happening in the skateboarding world nowadays, I would not even say my tricks are gnarly. Skating the park with one leg after an ankle surgery with a cast and crutches felt gnarly.


Tell us little bit about your local skate shop & what they do for the skateboard scene?

I do not have a local skate shop.


What is your daily routine before you go shred?

Watching skate videos and listening to music. Sometimes I also must go to work.


Any inspiring words you want to tell the next generation of skaters?

Have fun, life is short and can be taken from you in a second. Be your true selves. Do not do drugs. Skate with your friends, not versus them. – TSM MEDIA

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