True Sk8board Mag

10qs: Hector Martinez

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What got you into skateboarding?

it was just a way to get out of the house when times were tough


What is your skate scene like in your city?

there’s only a handful of skaters in my town but it keeps us all close


What are you are a to-go trick to start your sesh?

probably a nollie bs 360


Do you feel skateboarding has changed your life? How?

I think it has I used to be kind of bogus but now I am more chill and a lot more, patient


What pro skater inspires your skateboarding?

Carlos Lastra and Daewon Song



Do you prefer watching skate videos on social media or buying them? Why?

on social media because I do not really have money


What is the gnarliest trick you have ever done? How did you feel when you landed it?

probably a tree flips up a euro, or when I kickflipped a big gap that only 2 other people have done, I felt really accomplished landing both.


Tell us a little bit about your local skate shop & what they do for the skateboard scene?

my local skate shop is over 10 miles away, but they give stuff away for skate James


What is your daily routine before you go shred?

I get up do my schoolwork eat a protein bar then go skate


Any inspiring words you want to tell the next generation of skaters?

to never give up if skating is what you want to do no matter how many people hate on you


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