True Sk8board Mag

10qs: Greg Harbour

10qs: Greg Harbour


What got you into skateboarding?

6th grade at my friend’s birthday party, we skated a bunch that weekend and a year or so later I met kids in the neighborhood that skated, and It was all downhill from there.


What is the skate scene like in your city?

It’s great, I currently reside in Jacksonville, Florida and there are great spots and endless summer.


What’s you to go trick to start each sash?

slappy baby, all slaps all the time


Do you feel skateboarding has changed your life? How?

It has 100% changed my life, between skating and music I’ve traveled more than I ever thought I would and learned a lot about myself.  The biggest thing skating as taught me is if you fail, get up, dust yourself off, and try again, as skaters were bread to me relentless and self-motivated.  We’re a wild breed.


What pro skater inspired your skateboarding?

Jason Adams, Bill Danforth, Matt Hensley, Duffel, and Jub would probably be my biggest influences




Do you prefer to watch videos on social media or to buy them? Why?

I enjoy seeing some clips online, but I really miss the days of putting out a whole video project.  I would rather buy videos; it takes a lot of work to make a full-length video but I like the idea of a whole production with a vibe to the video.


What is the gnarliest trick you have ever done?  What did it feel like when you landed it?

I have no idea and I was probably just relieved I didn’t eat shit


Tell us a little about your local skate shop and what they do for your scene?

We have the Block skate supply in Jacksonville.  They great, they organize events, have been building a concrete park behind the shop, and keep kids stoked on skating. They’re key to keeping the stoke high in Jax! (Thank you, Pete, Adam, Mike, and James, for having a killer shop)


What’s your daily routine before you go skate?


Run the pup, drink coffee and stretch while jamming records

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