True Sk8board Mag

10qs: Erick Freeman

10qs: Erick Freeman


What got you into skateboarding?

My childhood friend that grew up around the corner from me had this Ronnie Creager deck his cousin passed down to him and honestly I had this Dewayne The Rock Johnson Wrestling skateboard My mom had gotten from Walmart, I was about 8. And then an older skate kid in town taught me the skateboarding culture. Things such as 411VM videos, and Logics, and Tony hawk game series played a big part of the whole passion I carry


What is your skate scene like in your city?

I’m from Lancaster, PA so if your familiar with that area it’s a small town so the skaters click up fast from the other towns nearby such as , Reading, West Chester, And Philly  and get clips as well as go on skateboard trips all together. And at the end of the year there is always a montage of all the homies skating that is premiered


What is you to go trick to start your sesh?

They call me the “Heel Flip Daddy” so that should tell you right there


Do you feel skateboarding has changed your life? How?

Big time for sure. I Really believe without no skateboard there could ever be no me. Been through so many situations I feel it has truly saved my life, taught me patience, and mental peace. As well a lot of my skateboarding friends are the most down to earth people ever. Ironically, I did publish a book on how skateboarding impacted my life just this may


What pro skater inspires your skateboarding?

I’m 27 so I will say a name from back when I was just getting rolling, Tosh Townend is my all-time favorite skateboarder, His this is my Emerica Part and sight Unseen had me hooked forever. But I dig Jamie Foy and Mark Suciu right now, Mario McCoy is from an area nearby too so he is inspiration



Do you prefer watching skate videos on social media or buying it? Why?

Well the times in skating for sure everything is on the phone and internet. I do come from the days of the skate shop getting the new DVD and we would have a premier and leave with the hard copy there. I think the last DVD I bought was Stay Gold. I watch new stuff that comes out, but it is cool watching the oldies on YouTube. Lol


What is the gnarliest trick you have ever done? How did you feel when you landed it?

Heelflip nose blunt in downtown Lancaster, that gets talked about very often. That was special not only for the trick but the atmosphere of that session I will never forget. All my good friends were there, it is the last trick on the video I sent over.


Tell us little bit about your local skate shop & what they do for skateboard scene?

We have a skate shop in our town called Ignition skate shop ran by Brian Seber who used to ride for Anti Hero. He plays a wonderful part keeping the scene alive, I also make my own skateboard decks that is often sold in my area for the skate community. And the shop along with others sponsor a punk show once a year that donates to skateparks and skate shops it’s pretty rad


What is your daily routine before you go shred?

First, I usually hop on the internet and seeing what the new videos are to get stoked on, watch a part or two, make sure I have some water and I’m good to go


Any inspiring words you want to tell the next generation of skaters?

I always try to tell the kids coming up to simply just have fun. All the cool stuff comes with time, I cannot express that enough. And show love to your local skate shop because they for sure love you.

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