True Sk8board Mag

10qs: Diego Gonzalez

10qs: Diego Gonzalez


What got you into skateboarding?

I got my first board when I was in 1st grade. I learned how to balance on it stationary and that was it. then eventually in my preteens, I picked up a cruiser and did not put it down until I got a legit board and never put it down since.


What is your skate scene like in your city?

I would say the skate scene is sick here in Vienna, Austria. There are lots of places to skate like skateparks and skate spots. better than other places I have lived. and the ground here is for the most part smooth, so it is easier to go from spot to spot when skating.


What is your go to trick to start your sesh?

I usually warm up by doing an ollie, front 180, back 180, shuv, front shuv, heelflip, and kickflip on flat in that order to keep the basics well-practiced every sesh.


Do you feel skateboarding has changed your life? How?

I would say that it has shaped me to become the person I am today. without skateboarding, I do not think I would have much that I would be passionate about other than maybe music and hanging with friends and family. And obviously like most skaters say it has taught me to not give up so easily and to persevere and work hard not only in skating but also in other aspects of my life.


What pro skater inspires your skateboarding?

there are so many skaters that inspire me and the tricks I do and just all my skating in general. and to quote one of my homies Wito Zaar “Diego, you switch your favorite skaters more than your underwear” but if I had to pick one for at this moment, I would say Sage. everything he does with so much pop and style and i love his trick selection.



Do you prefer watching skate videos on social media or buying it? Why?

the first-ever skate video I ever bought before I even skated was Yeah Right. to this day I would say is one of my favorite full lengths. It is also the only one I have ever bought. in today’s day in age skate videos are so much more accessible with websites like YouTube that have parts released every day it feels like. I enjoy watching it on “social media” you could say because now it is not as common to buy.


What is the gnarliest trick you have ever done? How did you feel when you landed it?

for me, the trick of something feeling good when it is gnarly always depends on how clean the land was or how the trick looked. for example, I would say the hardest trick I got was a varial heel down a set and it took 3 trips to that set to do it. when I finally did it, of course, I was relieved to not climb up that set again and throw my body down it, but the feeling was not as good as a trick that I did down an even smaller set but landed it clean and I was content with how it looked. but I would say that there were moments in skateboarding that are indescribable.


Tell us a little bit about your local skate shop & what they do for the skateboard scene?

Here we have Freedom Skate shop, and I can say that the skate scene would not be the same without it. in a city where there are thousands of skateboarders, they are part of the reason why we feel like a family.


What is your daily routine before you go shred?

all I am doing before i go skating is think about skating and hitting up the homies to see what spot we are going to.


Any inspiring words you want to tell the next generation of skaters?

Considering I am the next generation or at least the current generation all I got to say is that we cannot forget about what skateboarding means because us skaters are the only ones that understand how great it really is. It is all about fun and being yourself and having a great time flipping a silly piece of wood with wheels around.

Thanks, and I would like to give a shout out to all my friends and family and my sponsors: Big love to Pleonexie Skateboards and Kullu Products for hooking me up and True skateboard Mag for this opportunity

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