Lenny Rivas


Lenny Rivas was hard to get to. He was always doing something. Many times I lost his all black, leather lined hat in the crowd. I had to wait until he was done signing the skateboards and posters of all the fans to speak to him.

EC-Where are you from?

LR-San Diego, California.

EC-Do you still live there?

LR-I do.

EC-What’s it like growing up there? It’s a big skate scene right?

LR-Yeah, it’s a big skate scene. I grew up in the ghetto. That’s called National City. I grew up skating those streets. I still love it. It’s my hometown.

EC-Do you still live in National City?

LR-No, I had to move out. You know, I got some money so, yeah I gotta move out the hood but I’m always there. Every day.  My mom lives there, family, friends. Everything. I’m always back.

EC-When did you start skating?

LR-I was like ten years old.

EC-How’d you get into it?

LR- My aunt bought me a cheap Walmart skateboard for Christmas. After that I learned a couple of tricks and started figuring out that I had cheap board so I stepped it up to a real good board. I started getting better at it by time.

EC-So your aunt got you into it randomly, and look where you are now. Does she remember that she got you the board?

LR-Oh she knows that. She’s always asking me for gear and all types of stuff. I have to pay her back.

EC-Yep, you owe her. What’s your favorite skateboarding video of all time?

LR- I will go with Fulfill the Dream, it’s a Shorty’s video. I like Brandon Turner, I grew up watching him skate. He is in jail right now. Free Brandon Turner.

EC-What are your other passions?

LR-I love music and graffiti. I love doing art.  I love tagging everywhere.

EC-What are your plans when you get back?

LR-First thing I do is chill with my little man. My kid.

EC-Right, you just had a baby. How old is he now?

LR-Nine months. I miss him so much. So yeah, I’m going to live the dad life.


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