Baby Scumbag

Just a little time before the afternoon showers expected of summer weather started to come down, I rescued Baby Scumbag from a different kind of phenomenon—the large crowd of small fans expected to be swarming around such a popular young skater.

EC-Where are you from?


EC-Do you still live there?

BS-I do. And I stay in the valley on the weekends.

EC-How old are you?


EC-What’s it like being a teenager?

BS-It’s cool. I mean, it’s a lot harder. It’s a lot different.

EC-What’s hard about it?

BS-I mean it’s a lot scarier because you actually have to worry about not wrapping it.I don’t know if you get that. I’m 13, so I’m a teenager…At twelve I didn’t produce…

EC-OH! You’re scared about that!

BS-You get it now?

EC-Yeah, took me a second. Wasn’t expecting that answer. Well, I’m glad you’re being responsible. That’s important.
BS-I don’t want to have babies at the age of 13.

EC-You don’t want to have babies when you’re a baby, especially when you’re name is Baby.
BS-Baby Scumbag had a Baby.

EC-How about that name, how’d you get that?
BS-Well, I was coolin’ with my friend Keelan. We were up at 4AM just chilling and something happened and he decided to name me Baby Scumbag.

EC-Were you being a scumbag?

BS-I can’t really say what we were doing.

EC-Tell me about your Youtube videos.  You have a lot of fans there.

BS-Yeah, it gets a little overwhelming, thinking about what to do. You have to keep coming up with funny things to do.

EC-You have a lot of people coming up to you, what is that like?

BS-It’s nice. I mean, I like the attention. It feels good, like I’m doing something right.  But sometimes I do get annoyed but they are fans. You gotta be nice.

EC-Who gave you your first sponsorship?

BS-Primitive. Andy. He is the one that hooked me up when I was nobody. I’m not saying I’m somebody at all I’m just saying he was the first person who hooked me up ever.

EC-What grade are you in?


EC-What subjects do you like?

BS-Math. And history.

EC-Give me a history fact.

BS-Did you know that when Christopher Columbus came in he had the natives find for him gold or he would like kill their babies? We had a sub history teacher came in and he didn’t give a fuck. He just told us the truth.


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