What got you into skateboarding?

It was 2001 and I was heavily influenced by the Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater games and my buddy Carlos brought a board over to my house one day and I skated ever since then


What is you to go trick to start your sesh?

Depends on what I am skating, if it is a ledge it is usually a Fakie Nosegrind if it’s stairs or a gap I’ll Fakie flip it


Do you feel skateboarding has changed your life? How?

Skateboarding has changed my life significantly! I would not have been able to see the amazing places I have seen and meet all the rad friends I have over the years had it not been for skateboarding. It has taught me to humble myself and that every time great takes time


What pro skater inspires your skateboarding?

My friends inspire me to skateboard and not just my friends that are pros but my friends that could care less about sponsors or the industry. The guys that are just going out and having fun without cameras or Instagram that just do it because they love it are the ones that truly inspire me.


Do you prefer watching skate videos on social media or buying it? Why?

I prefer buying videos, it is something tangible that you can enjoy whenever you want, and it does not get lost in the void of the internet



What is the gnarliest trick you have ever done? How did you feel when you landed it?

Not sure everybody has a different definition of gnarly I just do what I enjoy and have fun with each trick. I fall in love with it more and more each time I ride my board


Tell us a little bit about your local skate shop & what they do for the skateboard scene?

I ride for Pharmacy Boardshop. Those guys are rad! They have been supporting the scene in the desert and have expanded to LA


What is your daily routine before you go shred?

I usually get up about 6:30 am, drink a bunch of water, stretch, enjoy a little THC/CBD treatment, cook & eat breakfast, listen to some music, maybe watch a skate video, and then meet up with the homies


Any inspiring words you want to tell the next generation of skaters?

Do not worry about the politics of skateboarding. Have fun and enjoy the ride because it will be over before we know it

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