On June 21st 2024 ( Friday ),  join us at our 3rd Annual TSM ‘LIVE SHOW’ S7 ep6 Go Skateboarding Day show/event at Prince Park noon

Pop Up Shop:

Man Butter, Skru Hardware, Circus Skateboard, Dagger Skateboards, & She Fly Clothing

Food Venue:

7 Siblings Food Truck

Free #punrockshow with:

Doll Riot

Also, Grandeur will be having their Go Skate Day events going on at Prince Skatepark too. Go give them a follow

TSM ‘ LIVE SHOW ‘ SEASON 7 ep6 Line up:

Future Sk8r: Tristan Sommovigo

Music: Doll Riot

Interview: Vincent Luevanos

Location: Prince Park

Host by: Tommie Zam

film/edit by: Carl Carpentier, Tylor Stewart, Arron ‘Babycakes’ Lopez, & Michael Bell

sponsor by: Keen RAmps, Lakai, Killah Koffee, Rad Jerky, Yabai, Ghost Ship Supply, & Man Butter

This is the funniest Go Skate Day event you don’t want to miss out on!!

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