This Sunday ( Jan 28th ) at 4pm

We are filming TSM “LIVE SHOW” S7 ep 1, you’re INVITED to join us on the set of the episode at:
( 3316 E Seventh St, Long Beach, CA  90804 )


SEASON 7 ep1 Line up:

Interview: Daniel Yeager

Interview:  Devin Bagnoli

Location: The Good Bar and Eatery


Host by Tommie Zam

film/edit by: Carl Carpentier, Tylor Stewart, Aaron ‘BabyCakes’ Lopez, & Jon Kushner

sponsor by: Keen Ramps , Lakai , Killah Koffee , Rad Jerky , Yabai, Ghost Ship Supply, Man Butter, & Church’s Chicken

Let's Know What You Think