This Sunday ( August 13th 2023 ) at 5pm

We are filming TSM “LIVE SHOW” S6 ep8 you’re INVITED to join us on the set of the episode at Attic Skateshop

( 2588 Newport Blvd Costa Mesa, California )

SEASON 6 ep8 Line up:

Future Sk8r: Justin Bishop

Music: Matt Costa

Interview: Vincent Alvarez

Location: Attic Skateshop

Host by Tommie Zam

film/edit by: Carl Carpentier, Tylor Stewart, Aaron ‘Baby Cakes’ Lopez , & John Kushner

sponsor by: Keen Ramps, Lakai, Speedlab Wheels, Clayer Skateboarding, Remind Insoles, Iris Skateboards, Elsenor, Killah Koffee, Rad Jerky, Yabai

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