Today is the BIG DAY, we are inviting you to join us at 1 pm for our Season 2 Finale event at Iron Fist Brewery in Vista, Ca.  ( 1305 Hot Springs Way Vista, Ca. 92081 ).   Come shred the Keen Ramps street course & Keg Jump Contest, POP-UP Shops: Brujara SB, Wray Bros, ESP SB, Tru Grind & Roller Horror, & eat some good ass BBQ from Two Thumbs Up BBQ.  YES, it’s ALL AGES EVENT !!!!!


Season 2 ep11 Line Up:

Future Sk8r: Chester Lopez

Music: The Fountain of Youth

Interview: Grant Brittain

Host by: Tommie Zam

Film/Edit by Carl Carpentier, Tyler Stewart, Mycah Williams, & Tim Vasquez 

Sponsor by: Keen Ramps, Lakai, & Local H2o


Coming Soon to e360tv !!!!!


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