Zeya Playa Mane

What did you think when you were asked to do “Truth Hurts”
What came to my mind was, “Yes! This is a way to hit em with my truth & show people how I do what I do, like no one else!”
How hard is it to film for a part and do you stress out or does it come easy?  
No stress at all. It’s all fun because I know that this is what I’m literally grindin’ for! I like to see the results & impact that it makes
Was there any crazy situations that happened during filming?  
I found a dollar on the ground & I was hyped! Also had someone tell I was gonna be famous. Nothing too crazy though
What was the highlights of filming for this video that made you stoked about skateboarding in general  
Well.. I skated some spots that I haven’t skated since I was in my beginning stages of skateboarding, so it was real cool to do tricks now on them that I could not do before
What do you think the meaning of the title “Truth Hurts” means?
Hitti’n you with 100% truth & fact. Sorry not sorry

What would you tell someone who is filming a part to do ?
Don’t get discouraged if you know there are people that skate better than you. Grow & improve off yourself cause that’s what matters for you!

Would you do it again if asked to film another part?  
Ofcourse. I would like to capture it on film rather than taking photographic memories. It’s like this sometimes, “Yo, I did hardflip down this sick gap!” Then someone says “Oh, you shoulda filmed it!” Ya see what I mean?

Where was the place you enjoyed filming most?
Probably the Ladera shopping center with the rosebush gap

Any words of wisdom ?
Be yourself & stand out because that’s what makes you different

Shout out to the homies?
Shout out to my homie Nick Rodriguez he’s always down to get productive & work on a project. Shout out to my friends Bruuut, Hunter & Chance for keeping me hype to skate. Shout out to my bro Miko for being my nikka fo life & Milo for keeping me inspired to follow my music path. & God for blessing me with the ability to skate & all the positive people 7 things He has brought into my life.
Will Gabourel 

What did you think when you were asked to do “Truth Hurts”?
I was completely stoked to be given this chance to do a video with not just guys from around the U.S. but in Israel (Noam “Jimmy” Be’er). This is a great opportunity to show everyone that no matter where you’re from we all share the same passion for skateboarding

How hard is it to film for a part and do you stress out or does it come easy?
Honestly I like certain clips when I film them, then after that I hate everything ha! Since I live in a “truck stop town” I don’t live in a major skate city such as; LA, SD, SF, NY or anything like that so I don’t get to skate those major cities as much as I would like to but I do skate the Inland Empire a lot and I get out to LA, and SD at least once a year so it’s just all in me getting the right tricks to get my part together and hopefully people are stoked on it.

Were there any crazy situations that happened during filming?  
We haven’t had anything too crazy happen, but we run into some crazy characters all the time. We had ran into this dude at a gas station that asked us for some money because he said, “he likes to go fast” I assumed he wanted some speed or something. He went on to tell us that he had been getting ripped off by his dealer, so we then had to bounce. That dude was pretty funny.

What were the highlights of filming for this video that made you stoked about skateboarding in general?  
Going skating and getting pumped with the homies even though most of the time I was filming for this video with a torn meniscus, a sprained MCL and ACL in my knee ha! Skating San Francisco and chillin with the homie Kevin out there. Seeing new places and meeting new people for sure!

What do you think the meaning of the title “Truth Hurts” means?
Open your eyes to the bullshit around you, it may hurt at first but taking the bull by the horns and just wrecking shit is the key to success!

What would you tell someone who is filming a part to do?
Enjoy what you are doing and just make sure you are expressing yourself to the fullest. Don’t try and go out to mimic other skaters, be you, be an individual no matter what is going on in the rest of the world because once you conform to what everyone else likes to skate, or the way people want you to skate then you have lost what made you start skating in the first place.

Would you do it again if asked to film another part?  
Of course! Just to have someone hyped on what I do and the type of skating I produce is something that I will never take for granted. So if there are any more projects that come up, I’m down for sure!

Where was the place you enjoyed filming most?
I love skating Cajon High School in San Bernardino, and Del Rey Elementary in the desert, but just to be able to travel with my homies and film on whatever spots we find is what I enjoy most.

Any words of wisdom?
Enjoy what you do, be grateful for every moment you have on your board, and stay positive. Keep shredding!!! Oh yeah and go out and buy stuff from all my sponsors!!! Ha!!

Shout out to the homies?
Fuck yeah I wanna shout out all the Products homies, Adam Simoni, Habeeb Davila, Josh Flodter, the RVK homies, Alex from Split, Gary from Deuce Brand, Richard Jefferson, Manny Santiago, Ish & CJ at Antics Intl, Wub wheels, Brandon at Shorty’s, Johnny and Tyler at Roughneck Mfg., Guy at Inhouse dist., Zack & Chito at Havoctv, all the homies over at Axion, and to everyone out there that has watched my videos, supported me in any way, and understood that I’m just a dude that loves to skate backwards…

Shawn Turner 
What did you think when you were asked to do “Truth Hurts”
I thought it was a sick idea. Hearing who was going to be a part of this project, and what it was about got me super hyped to jump on board. Kind of do your own thing project without all the serious shit. I’m backing that.
How hard is it to film for a part and do you stress out or does it come easy?  
To be quite honest, I don’t find it hard to go out and film tricks, its just going out and actually filming, that is the hard part. I am very disconnected from my skate homies living where I live, which makes getting work done a serious task. This spring should be a nice turn-around from that.
Was there any crazy situations that happened during filming?  
Not in my case really, just the normal stuff; security guards, vigilante pedestrians, weirdos… ha!
What were the highlights of filming for this video that made you stoked about skateboarding in general? 
Basically my whole part was filmed while on the road with Zumiez Best Foot Forward/Couch Tour. I was a judge/roadie dude, just driving around the USA, setting up and throwing contests for Zumiez. Just being on that trip and being a part of that hyped my up beyond belief. That right there is the dream for most dudes, traveling around, skating city to city stacking footage.
What do you think the meaning of the title “Truth Hurts” means?
To me, it means a few different things. One being that it is hard to make it as an AM in this industry.  Skateboarding is so mainstream now its insane. There are so many people doing it, its hard to make it anywhere, and that truth in fact hurts. Ha. Another cool thing it means to me, is that the truth is, the best skateboarders are in the underground scene, and they always will be, and that to some people could constitute as a hurtful truth.

What would you tell someone who is filming a part to do?
Take it seriously. If you really want to have a good part, YOU have to make it good. Bust your ass, jump down that shit again, skate hard, re-film your trick if its sloppy, go the extra mile. You’re in full control of what you are putting out into the eyes of your peers. I am a douche for not following my own words of advice, but that is seriously what it is.

Would you do it again if asked to film another part?  
Absolutely. This is what I love to do. I would do it again and again until I’m unable to skate. No questions asked.

Where was the place you enjoyed filming most?
Shockingly, Oklahoma was rad. I dug that place a ton. There is so much weird stuff there. And the people in Tulsa and OKC are sick! New Mexico was also an incredible place.  But all in all, Chicago is where it is at.
Any words of wisdom ?
Like I said earlier, just take it(skateboarding) seriously if that is what you want to do. Don’t worry about getting sponsored and all that jazz, just skate, and love it, and try to progress as much as you can. You’re skating on a pen, and you can write whatever you want. Have fun and be rad.
Shout out to the homies?
My sponsors of course: Smalltown Skate Shop, Character Skateboards, Wellborn Clothing, Lakai, Alchemy Traction Solutions, and Street Ice Wax.  My girlfriend Chelsey Dever, my family, my close friends, those internet friends, and True Skateboard Mag for holding it down. Thanks!!!!

Fabrizio Santos 
What did you think when you were asked to do “Truth Hurts” 
is great Love it !
How hard is it to film for a part and do you stress out or does it come easy? 
Is easy when you put your heart in to it 🙂
Was there any crazy situations that happened during filming?  
nothing but fun !
What was the highlights of filming for this video that made you stoked about skateboarding in general  
I was stoked to be film doing what i love to do ” SKATEBOARD “
What do you think the meaning of the title “Truth Hurts” means? 
The truth love for the skateboarding. 

What would you tell someone who is filming a part to do ? 
Keep focuses !
Would you do it again if asked to film another part?  
Lets do it !
Where was the pace you enjoyed filming most? 
On my park haha…
Any words of wisdom ? 
Follow your dreams 🙂
Shout out to the homies?
Shout to all the truths skaters around the planet.


What did you think when you were asked to do “Truth Hurts”?
I thought it would be a great opportunity to have a section in a video US based and I am super hyped!  
How hard is it to film for a part and do you stress out or does it come easy?
Well considering the conditions in the UK its pretty difficult to get good weather it has a problem with raining and what its rare to find a good spot that’s smooth and chilling, you gotta get through a lot of grime before you can find a nugget, but if you look hard enough they are there.
Was there any crazy situations that happened during filming?  
There was a few kinda crazy situations, we were skating this school keeping it pretty low key just popping on this wooden ledge they got there and the care taker was getting all up in everyone’s grill in the end he was talked round we were allowed 30 minutes to handle business and he was escorted away by his wife so in the end it worked out.
What was the highlights of filming for this video that made you stoked about skateboarding in general?  
My high light was filming the promo with my friend and filmer Austin Bristow at my local skate park, trying to learn some new moves while the weather keeps at bay.
What would you tell someone who is filming a part to do ?
That’s a difficult one, everybody works differently when approaching a project, for me I tend to aim for spots that are pretty good the floor has to be great, getting a real good pop in mandatory it’s a lot more of a struggle when you try and pop of gravel, get the homies out and get a session at good spots that tends to start the clips racking up!

Would you do it again if asked to film another part?  
Hell yeah its super fun going out and filming and then at the end you get to see all that happened, each individual clip has different memories connected with it and seeing the whole section together its cool.
Where was the pace you enjoyed filming most?
Damn well I have a lot of love for Burgess Hill which is my home town but other than that Barcelona has to be up there the weather the floor, those crispy popped switch heels you cant get any better than that.

Any words of wisdom ?
There`s no reason to have a Plan B because its distracts from Plan A.

Shout out to the homies?
Thanks to my sponsors Osiris shoes, Haze wheels, Landing Headwear, Rufus skateshop.
Thanks to my Homies yall know who ya are!! Filmers, photogs,skaters, chillers Dawgs! and anyone who I have met along the way and anybody I have skated with.
We Out Here! 

Isaiah Johnosn 

What did you think when you were asked to do “Truth Hurts ?
I was excited! I’m hyped I get to be in a vid with all these heavy hitters and just hyped to flim for a big video.
How hard is it to film for a part and do you stress out or does it come easy?
It’s kinda hard I mean u always wanna flim something better then ur last parts so that’s wat kinda drives me crazy just to think of other stuff todo lol.  I don’t really get stress i just plain wat tricks I want to get so it comes pretty easy
Was there any crazy situations that happened during filming?
Haha nothing yet I’m pretty sure something will happen soon .
What was the highlights of filming for this video that made you stoked about skateboarding in general
Hahah got this nollie trick down this set 
What do you think the meaning of the title “Truth Hurts” means?
How hard skateboarding is lol

What would you tell someone who is filming a part to do ?
To have fun. Plain wat spots to go . 
Would you do it again if asked to film another part?
Forsure !! I love staying busy 
Where was the pace you enjoyed filming most?
Anytime anywhere

Any words of wisdom ?
Have faith and things will come:) 
Shout out to the homies?
 Shout out to my Sponsors. Bram at venture trucks and spitfire wheels. Jameson Decew at Etnies. Mike at MiniLogo  and Attic Skateshop

Noam Be'er
What did you think when you were asked to do “Truth Hurts”?
I was filming with Dan for a short clip for SMOOF, and then about a week later he told me about Truth and that he wanted to get me a full part in the video so I was hyped! 
How hard is it to film for a part and do you stress out or does it come easy?  
For the most part it’s the best time ever, we just skate and do the things we love. But sometimes I go to the computer to see the footy I got and it’s like damn I work so hard and still this is all i got?…I allways wanna get better and get better clips.. it never stops.
Was there any crazy situations that happened during filming?  
One time we were skating this long 5 stair set and the police came…we were sure they wanted to kick us out but they just stopped and watched us and saw we had a good camera.. so one of the cops tried to sell us a camera bag he was like “how much would you say this bag is worth?” that was funny!
What was the highlights of filming for this video that made you stoked about skateboarding in general?  
I’m still filming for my part so i don’t think I’m at that point where I can answer yet…but I’m really hyped on getting a part that is not for in Israeli video!
What do you think the meaning of the title “Truth Hurts” means?
Skating and filming out in the streets all day, that’s our truth and sometimes it hurts..going back home on one leg..

What would you tell someone who is filming a part to do ?
Just travel as much as you can.. new spots are always fun

Would you do it again if asked to film another part? 


Where was the place you enjoyed filming most?
Damn I’ll tell you as soon as I finish filming

Any words of wisdom ?
Israel is the next Barcelona
Shout out to the homies?
Shout out to all my homies in Jerusalem, Gili’s skateshop, my Vans Israel teamates – Avi and Tzahi, Elna and Weiss back in Barca, my dog Bamba and Dan the best flmer ever!  – B. Hess

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