skaters: ‘Saar Zichel, Ben Levy, Diana Rozz, Ziv Vered, Niv Kochan, Dimi Navon, Guy Cohen, Sagi Aviv, Liam Tishbi, & Roy Vadash’
film / edit: ‘Diana Rozz, Gil Karsel, Evyater Goshen, Yuval Daniel, Sagi Aviv, & Guy Cohen’
skaters: ‘Saar Zichel, Ben Levy, Diana Rozz, Ziv Vered, Niv Kochan, Dimi Navon, Guy Cohen, Sagi Aviv, Liam Tishbi, & Roy Vadash’
film / edit: ‘Diana Rozz, Gil Karsel, Evyater Goshen, Yuval Daniel, Sagi Aviv, & Guy Cohen’
Ariel Haifitz dropped a new edit ‘ Northern Child ‘, shredding the streets of Isreal 25
Watch the recap of what went down at the 2019 New England Am 16
Emerica did a little UK tour with “Andrew Reynolds, Jerry Hsu, Bryan Herman and Emerica EU riders Tom Knox, Casper Brooker & Rob Maatman” at Note skate shop demo it was held at Projekts skatepark 11
Bones Wheels dropped a commercial with Dakota Servold shredding on his new pro wheels. You can grab them at your local skate shop 62
World did a remix of Vince Duran and Derek Fukuhara footage 8
Oakland California’s ‘ The Goods ‘ just dropped a music video for their latest song ‘ David Jones is Dead ‘, thats off their latest album off Dandy Boy Records 53