skaters: ‘Kevin White, Ishod Wair, Zach Saraceno, Ish Cepeda & Robert Neal, Noe Solis, Nico Hiraga, Aramis, Sunny & Gary, Atlanta, Hardies Hardware, Nak,Louie,TJ,KB, Homies, Sean Imes, Zion Wright & Alex Midler‘   Film & Edit by: Davonte Jolly 46

Sean Imes

Sean Imes

[av_video src=’https://vimeo.com/183519523′ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′] [av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=”] Whiskey Project skater, Sean Imes,tool a little trip  out to Copenhagen to shred a new city [/av_textblock] 14