TSM ‘LIVE SHOW’ at SkaterCon 9

TSM ‘LIVE SHOW’ Season 6 ep9 at SkaterCon 9

  This Saturday, join us for TSM ‘LIVE SHOW’ S6 ep9 at Skatercon 9 that’s held at etnies skatepark in Lake Forest, Ca Grab your skatercon 9 tickets here Host by Tommie Zam film/edit by Tyler Stewart sponsor by Keen Ramps, Lakai, Speed lab Wheels, Clayer Skateboards, Elsenor, Old Bones Therapy, Killah Koffee, Rad Jerky,…

McGill’s Skateshop 35th Anniversary & Grand Opening Recap

McGill’s Skateshop 35th Anniversary & Grand Opening Recap

  Last Saturday was McGill’s Skateshop 35th Anniversary & Grand Opening of their new location. The best way to celebrate is by having a huge autograph signing, free bbq, pizza, Rad Jerky & over hundred people standing in lining to get things sign by there favorite pro’s. It was a good time !!! Congratulations to…