Brad Roberson
Refuse Wheels dropped a 420 edit with Brad Roberson 49
Refuse Wheels dropped a 420 edit with Brad Roberson 49
Rufuese Wheels dropped a edit for their newest pro ‘Marshall Stinson’ & grab his new pro wheel at your local skate shop 46
On May 7th, Refuse Wheels dropping full edit & pro wheel for Justino Rodriguez 60
Function Skate Supply (PushFoot Skateboards, Refuse Wheels, Mammoth Hardware) first full-length video. Featuring… Brandon Lopez, Cole Fraser, Bobby Mitchell, Pete Carvajal, Dylon Brown, & Billy Mullennix -Homie section- Kenny Hampton, John Waskiel, John Henderson, Marshall Stinson, & Paris Milan Filmed by… John Henderson, Paris Milan, Kyle Hampton, Scotty Brown and more… 158