House of Vista: Frecks
House of Vista Dropped an edit with ‘Frecks’ shredding the streets on the East Coast with Fred Gall film/edit by: ‘ Austin Ayub, Alex Raspa, & Paulgar ‘ 16
House of Vista Dropped an edit with ‘Frecks’ shredding the streets on the East Coast with Fred Gall film/edit by: ‘ Austin Ayub, Alex Raspa, & Paulgar ‘ 16
skaters: ‘ Matt Savidakis, Jimmy Lannon, 80’s Joe Staley, Mike Rosa, Nick Matlin, Josh Dowd, Ross Norman, Fred Gall, Ryan Nix, Danny Renaud, Phil Ladjanski, Dango, Richie Zuczek, Stefan Janoski, Tyrone ( TBONE ) Olson, Matthey McCauley, Chris Lesh, Mikey Premet, Eric Weingart, Evan Tieman, Nick Wallace, Haze Miller & many more… ‘ filmed…
From BA: Greetings to Planet Earth & the Universe, thank you for being here. Paulgar and I started filming for this project shortly after Easter in 2020. Paul had been filming Fred Gall in the Tri-State area for at least a year at that time, and during quarantine, we were all so grateful to… Local Express is a full-length video by John Valenti with feature parts from: “Ben Gore, Dave Caddo, Trevor Thompson, Jonathan Ettman, Yonnie Cruz, Brendan Carroll, Brian Downey, 80’s Joe Staley, Tyler Rennard, Charlie Cassidy, Justin Fyle, Fred Gall, Al Davis & Guest appearance by Jake Johnson & Philly Santosuosso” Click here to purchase…