Vlog #5 Purple Skies & 500 Foot Grinds
Joey Brezinski, dropped Vlog #5: buying Ace Pelka a car, shred the Costco curbs & much more 20
Joey Brezinski, dropped Vlog #5: buying Ace Pelka a car, shred the Costco curbs & much more 20
As seen on TSM ‘LIVE SHOW’ S3 ep5, Marquise Menefee was interviewed for future Sk8’r section & we dropped a Exclusive video part too. Full epsiode of TSM “LIVE SHOW” S3 ep5 will be Coming Soon !!! 88
Andale Bearing riders ‘Ace Pelka, Bev up and special guest JJ Ricer headed up to San Luis Obispo for the latest episode of Slappy Days! filmed / edit by Joey Brezinski 91
Andale Bearings dropped a edit of Slappy Days at the Santa Monica curbs for Bevup’s 21st Birthday 109