Creature Skateboards presents: Creach-Tage!!
Creature dropped ‘Creach-Tage’ that featured David Gravette, Milton Martinez, Willis Kimbel, John Gardner, Al Partanen and the Fiends 43
Creature dropped ‘Creach-Tage’ that featured David Gravette, Milton Martinez, Willis Kimbel, John Gardner, Al Partanen and the Fiends 43
We joined the Holystoked skateboarding crew from Bangalore and the 2er building crew from Hannover, along with 24 skateboarders and builders from around the world to build the first, free public use skate park in India. Professional skateboarders Chet Childress, Al Partanen, Stefan Janoski, Omar Salazar, Lennie Burmeister, and Rob Smith all joined…