First of all, there is no such thing as a frontside Indy, there just isn’t , arguing about it won’t. change it. (Look it up)

This debate is as old as the nollie cab debate and although I often get into these discussions. When I overhear someone call a trick wrong, honestly, I don’t care. It is funny to get people all fired up over the over crook frontside nosegrind debate. I’m no gatekeeper but if it’s pinched, it’s an over crook, if not, it’s a nosegrind. My opinion and I’m sticking to it.

I also find it interesting that tricks like the gay twist, sex change and mute grab have been called out by the woke mob. Just think how ridiculous all of the trick names are for a minute, (Nowhere near as ridiculous as a buttercup). When people overhear skaters using skate trick names or terminology, they think we’re speaking in tongues.


By the way, why hasn’t goofy footed been cancelled yet, not the stance, the name, don’t goofy people get offended too? Anyone that is lucky enough to have a trick named after them should be prouder of that. than winning a Nobel prize.


Why isn’t the ollie called an Allen though, well it should be called a Rodney because Allen G was more of a scoop than pop if we’re being technical . But if Rodney named tricks, almost every flip trick would be called a Rodney or magic flip.


Can you imagine how confusing that would be? I mean there’s the Bennet grind, but who does those anyway, Suski, etc.

McTwist is one that always baffled me, have you ever watched The Bones Brigade Video Show?  or The Search for Animal Chin, if you watch all of the footage where the bones brigade skates together, McGill could. barely keep up. Especially if it wasn’t a vert ramp, you’re telling me this guy was the first to do. that trick, they let him say he did so they could still sell his boards lol.

Skate terminology is just another weird subculture that evolved as the tricks evolved and was. borrowed from surfing. At least we didn’t have to use the names like scooter kids and rollerbladers useP.I.S.S.

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