What makes Pretty Archie different from your past work?

Our new self-titled album was recorded a lot differently than our previous work. We recorded the majority of the tracks together live off the floor, in this relaxed atmosphere on the Bras d’Or Lakes here in Cape Breton. All that came together to give this record an atmospheric feel that we really like.


Can you describe the concept behind the record?

The concept behind this record was to take these tunes we had been writing, arranging, and try to give them life. We knew we wanted to have real life and energy with this album and our producer Mark Howard was able to make it happen.


How would you describe the band’s artistic evolution throughout your career?

We have been a band writing and performing together for a decade now, which is hard to believe ha-ha, so we have grown in every way. Our songwriting and overall musicianship are always improving and becoming more mature. This album specifically marked a big jump for us in our recording sound development, and really thinking through what we wanted from this record.


What has been the biggest change in your lives over the past year?

Over the last two years a lot has changed in the music landscape. We really hang our hat on our live shows, so it has been hard to have that cut down so much. We have enjoyed more time at home and time for writing but there is something special about playing live and making connections with different audiences that we all really miss.


What song by another artist do you wish you had written?

Wow, that is a hard one ha-ha There is so many. Everyone in the band has different tastes so I can only speak for myself. I love Fred Eaglesmith’s writing, something about it has always spoke to me. There’s at least a dozen of his I wish I wrote ha-ha.



How did Pretty Archie as a project first come together?

We all grew up together here in Cape Breton. We have been best buds since high school. We were friends before bandmates. We always enjoyed jamming growing up but never pursued it seriously until we were 22/23.


What would you consider your top contemporary influences?

Another tough one!! There are tons of great stuff out there. Every time we get the chance to see some of our favorites at festivals or conferences, we always come away. We all have different influences and tastes. In the van we will listen to everything from Tyler Childers to Drake.


Is there a story behind why you started playing?

We all started playing instruments as kids. Growing up on the east coast, there is all kinds of appreciation for music. So, it was always an easy thing to get into. Playing tunes has always been a big part of our lives.


And finally, where can readers keep up with what you are doing?

Follow us on social media and head to our website prettyarchie.com for upcoming show listings. Thanks!!


Instagram – @prettyarchieband

Twitter – @heyprettyarchie

Facebook – @prettyarchiemusic

Tik Tok – @prettyarchieband

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