What makes your music stand out from other acts? Can you tell us 3 things about yourself that people might not already know?

What makes our music stand out from other acts is the focus on writing a lot of songs and crafting catchy tunes that are easily memorable and simple to play.

3 things people might not know about us? a) We all sing. b) We all have tour stories galore. c) We are all hilarious!

You’ve been playing to audiences all over. How has that experience been? Is there an audience or location you like best?

Touring is the most fun and the band gets really tight quickly playing a bunch of shows in a row, My favorite shows are always in a place that is way too small for a rock show like tiny bars and clubs or living rooms at parties where there is too many people involved and the crowd is pretty much mixed in with the band and probably not the best PA but is just a big sweaty rock and roll messy good time! Small towns are usually the best because they are so stoked to have a show to go to in the first place.

You are based in Canada. What is it like there? Is there a good music scene and would you recommend anything from your region?

Basically, where I live (Vancouver, BC) it’s the best place in the world and I’m super grateful to be Canadian. That being said, it’s super expensive and has a lot of its own social problems. The music scene here is pretty vibrant and there are a lot of young bands rocking out on guitars these days, which is cool to see. Bands I like from here are La Chinga, The Brains, Autogramm and the Slip Ons

Who are your inspirations in life and in music?

Inspiration in life is probably my parents. They had it tough and made sure it wasn’t so bad for me. Thanks Mom and Dad! I get to do that for my son. The biggest inspiration in music is .there are so many! Maybe if I had to pick one it would be Tom Petty. That guy could write a song. A lot of them

Where are your favorite gig venues and festivals on your bucket list? What is your best memory at a gig as a music artist and as a fan?

The best show ever was seeing Iron Maiden when I was a teenage hesher and out of my mind on chemicals. I was standing backwards, and I thought the crowd was cheering for me! After a while I realized it was Eddie on stage and I was watching Iron Maiden. Good times! I don’t recommend it! The best venue is The Commodore to play and see a band. World class place



Tell us about your new album. How did this come about, and how would you describe it?

The band is The Get Arounds, and the album is called I Wanna Live and it’s a rock album with lots of catchy choruses and memorable hooks. A little bit classic and a bit modern. I really dig Iggy Pop and the Sex Pistols type of punk rock that isn’t so hardcore. We get Blondie comparisons a lot. Which I really appreciate. We wrote it at home because of Covid.

Has Canada been your biggest musical supporter? Are you hoping to make it to the US to support your new album

Canada is a wonderful place but very spread out. A lot of driving is involved. I love touring the USA and I got a lot of great friends there I can’t wait to see again! We got to get our work visas in order and all that fun planning stuff. I love the west coast tour. Vancouver to San Diego and back. Best scenery in the world. SF is cool and LA is a blast and I get to see a lot of old friends when I’m there. Portland loves to rock. Seattle is still a serious scene. Tacoma rules. So many good people were there. Hell’s Kitchen ruled (RIP)

What’s coming next for you? Plans to record and release more music? More touring?

Other projects inside or outside of music? – Right now, I am writing record number 2, and it cooks! Got some really durable material on this one. I feel like I could still write 5 or 6 more and maybe pick the best of the best. I’m about 30 songs into this one. I’ve got a solid 10 songs. I would like to have a dozen. and we’re planning on touring the UK next spring which is really exciting. Fingers crossed.

Any connection to the skateboarding world?

Yeah, I grew up skating and moved into snowboarding later on, but it all started on a banana board. Then I got a Skull Skates Dave Hackett. This was before concave decks, so it was flat and wide. But I thought it was the best. I still love to carve and turn on concrete with soft wheels. Loose trucks. I still ride my Jim Thiebaud REAL deck from 1991. It’s the hanging Klansman. Natas Kaupas did the art.

Anyways I want my son to skate but he’s not into it. Yet. I don’t want to push him. But he’s got his own set up waiting for him. Skating is all about creativity and that’s why there are so many cool artists involved in skateboarding. Music, art, video, lifestyle.

Any shout outs to bands or musicians you think we should check out?

Yeah, I think everyone who hasn’t should check out The Exploding Hearts, I love that record and I heard there are some shows coming up!?! I’d love to see that. PS I’m going out for a couple turns now, thanks! – CC

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