Lakai teamed up with their friends at Homage Brewing to bring out friends, skaters, fans, industry heads, and Yeah Right lovers alike. What better way to celebrate 20 years of Yeah Right and the launch of their collection! The craft beer flowed and the good times rolled.
The brewery let Lakai do a complete branded takeover, with Yeah Right x Lakai decor throughout the entire place, and even brewed us a custom co-branded “Lakaidoscope” Kolsch beer.
Lakai alumni Mike Mo Capaldi, was just one of the many legendary Crailtap family members in attendance, and brought us a 2 hour never-before-seen video of Yeah Right outtakes that attracted quite an audience as it projected on the wall.
The Yeah Right cast and media crew that came out, made for an epic reunion while a crowd of the young gun pro skaters, filmers, photographers and homies flooded the parking lot making it a completely packed event.
Lakai would like thank, everyone that came out and made it so special, and thanks to Homage brewing for hosting them . Til next time!
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