During these difficult times, Lakai is relaunching the “Lakai My Way” colorway contest. This gives you, your friends, and family the opportunity to use your creativity. With everyone being in-home quarantine this provides a positive alternative to utilize your time and customize your own personal shoe.

The rules are simple:

• Download the template at Lakai.com

• Design your own custom color-way of the Lakai Cambridge (photoshop, illustrator, colored pencils, markers, crayons, anything goes)

• Return to Lakai.com to upload your completed entry

• Winners will be chosen by our team riders and announced through social media and on our website

The Lucky Winner will receive 3 pairs of their very own Lakai Cambridge and a $500 shopping spree on Lakai.com or at one of our retail partners.

Contest Ends:

April 3rd, 2020 5:00 pm PST

Good Luck!

Let's Know What You Think