House of Vista Dropped an edit with ‘Frecks’ shredding the streets on the East Coast with Fred Gall
film/edit by: ‘ Austin Ayub, Alex Raspa, & Paulgar ‘
House of Vista Dropped an edit with ‘Frecks’ shredding the streets on the East Coast with Fred Gall
film/edit by: ‘ Austin Ayub, Alex Raspa, & Paulgar ‘
A skate video starring Chris Cope, Dave Coyne, Brian Hance, Russell George, Justin Smolenski, Reuben Barrack and more. Filmed and edited by Brian Hance. 10
Gershon has a new “The Park Ranger” series featuring “Tanner Greene, Jared Smith, Nathan Hammond, August Henricks, Jay Moss, Ryan Bayless, A.J. Albright and Ben Welch” shred at Centennial skate park in Lawrence Kansas 15
Blueprint Skateboards welcomes Josh Love to the team with this killer edit. 10
Bones Bearings spent some time in MIA with Danny Fuenzalido 30
[av_video src=’′ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′] [av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” admin_preview_bg=”] Moeloe made a sweet sixteen edit [/av_textblock] 11
Zoo York has a re-mix of Travis Glover 12