Heroin Skateboards has dropped its newest video “Video Nasty” in local skates hops and on iTunes. It features “Gou Miyagi, Daniel Shimizu, Chet Childress, Tom Day, Stephen Malet, Chopper and the Osaka Daggers, Rogie, Fos, Craig Questions”
Heroin Skateboards has dropped its newest video “Video Nasty” in local skates hops and on iTunes. It features “Gou Miyagi, Daniel Shimizu, Chet Childress, Tom Day, Stephen Malet, Chopper and the Osaka Daggers, Rogie, Fos, Craig Questions”
Darkstar has a “Foward Slash Remix” of PLG 27
Take a look at last year by The Osiris Expierience 2012 9
WI has a new Park and Ride featuring “Derek Fukuhara, Mike Franklin, Vince Duran, Jerry Neumann, and Billy Davenport” shredding parks in AZ 7
[av_video src=’https://youtu.be/MY2i698vdBU’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′] [av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=”] Tadashi Filters released a commercial with Adrian Mallory and Elijah Akerley shredding on jump ramps and the 80’s sensation while jamming with some Van Halen [/av_textblock] 40