Element’s Make It Count contest series hit Florence, KY
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Puma Olloclip
Nick Dompierre and Jooey Brezinski went down to Sarasota Skatepark to hook up the skaters with some new Puma suedes 5
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TSM ‘LIVE SHOW’ SEASON 6 Episode 1 Future Sk8r: Izzy Music: Nu Breeze Project ( Live Stream ) Interview: TJ Rogers Location: Local H20 Host by Tommie Zam film/edit by Carl Carpentier, Tyler Stewart, Aaron Lopez, Jon Kushner sponsor by: Keen Ramps, Lakai, Speedlab Wheels, Clayer World, Shalom Clothing, Tru Grind, Remind Insoles,…
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NOIZ Skate Shop: Grape City Jam at RLS Skate Park
[av_video src=’https://youtu.be/HEv5KQYYC0E’ mobile_image=” attachment=” attachment_size=” format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ conditional_play=” av_uid=’av-jkirodco’] [av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” av_uid=’av-jkirqhvj’ admin_preview_bg=”] Grape City Jam event was put on by Noiz Skateshop in Israel. The first best trick was on the “broken curb”, the seceond one was om the hip, the third one was on the quarter &…
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Kanwal dropped a New Single
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Where We Come From' TRAILER
[av_video src=’https://youtu.be/8nYX4fNqbZ8′ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′] [av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=”] Where We Come From,’ a film by Lucas Fiederling, that features eight skateboarders from five countries traveling the world together [/av_textblock] 10