You are from Jersey, tell us what is it like growing up in Jersey?

Just like anywhere Jersey has its ups and downs. I grew up in the Central Jersey Shore area and I had a crazy childhood there, but I would not change it a bit. Mostly everyone that is from there will say “fuck jersey” if you ask em’ what they think of it lol. Deep down they will always love it though because they know how awesome of a place it really is.


Was the skateboard scene in Jersey huge when you got into skateboarding?

The skateboarding scene was big when I first started. It seemed to die down a bit around high school. Recently over the years, there has been a bunch of new parks built all over and it seems to me it’s growing even more now. I am stoked on that.


It is every skater dream to move out to Cali because they think its greener over here. What are your thoughts on that?

If you are not from California it is most definitely every skater dream to move here. Especially to LA, SD, or SF. Its where the industry is, and it is got the best skateparks and street spots. Also, you do not have to deal with shitty weather that often ha-ha.


You just dropped a new part ‘New Jersey by Nature’, congratulation.  Was it nerve-wracking to film for a full part & did you have a list of tricks you wanted to do?

Thank you! For this full part, I was a bit nervous just because I knew it was going to be released on the Berrics. It is a first for me to get that type of exposure so I wanted to make sure I could get the best shit I could do. And had a mental note of things I wanted to do so I guess you can say that ha-ha


Is there a trick you wanted to get into the edit but could not get on film?

Yes, there is one trick that was originally going to be the ender that I have been battling for over a year or so now. I wish I could have gotten it for this video, but I’ll get it for the next part hopefully.



Manny puts on this event in Puerto Rico called “Prince of Puerto Rico”, tell us about it?

Manny runs an AM contest for all the kids on the island. I have yet to go there for the event, but I know that week is a crazy week in PR. Nothing but good times and good skating! It’s rad what he is doing for the skate scene over there. Shoutout to everyone in PR.


You lived on both coasts now, what coast do you like the most, East or West? Why?

Both coasts are awesome, but I love the east more. We are bred differently. Most people are straight up with you whether you like it or not.


What is your daily routine, before & after skateboarding?

Wake Up. Make Coffee. Walk my pup. play Xbox. work out. skate. create some designs. sometimes that order is mixed up, but it just depends on what I am feeling that day.


What is next, you dropped your Fortune Skateboards part, is there anything your working on with Fallen, Destructo Trucks, other sponsors, or going on vacation?

I do have some other things in the works with Fallen & Destructo actually. There are no dates set in stone or anything, but we are working on it. So be on the lookout!


Thank you for your time, do you have any wisdom you want to say to future skateboarders?

Thank YOU! I appreciate you having me. And yes, I do. To any kid who is reading this. If you have a dream whether it is skateboarding or not. Do not let anyone or anything get in the way of that dream. Not even yourself. Always remember “why” you do it. If you believe it enough, you can make your dream come true.

I’d like to give a big shout out to my family, girlfriend, friends, sponsors: (Pro Skateboard Shop, Fortune Skateboards, Fallen Footwear, Destructo Trucks, Highland Peak Co, Arcade Belts, Ricta Wheels, Nano Craft CBD.) Filmer’s: ( Matt Gener, Spencer Burdock, Shawn Karagjozi, Rich Colwell, Evan Pacheco, Harry Bergenfield, Bryan Santiago, Kevin Marquez & Bobby Bils.) Photographers: (Luis Ferra, Will Owens, Chris Martin) and anyone that has supported or continues to support me along this journey. My list would be too long to mention everyone’s name. But you all know who you are. Without you guys, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I love you all! “

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