Casper Brooker has 1min of footage at Southbank
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Kelsy Karter drops New Single
[av_video src=’’ mobile_image=” attachment=” attachment_size=” format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ conditional_play=” av_uid=’av-jpaph4cn’] [av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” av_uid=’av-jpapkyop’ admin_preview_bg=”] A new single from Kelsy Karter. Entitled “Catch Me If You Can” the track details the heartbreaking narrative of a love lost [/av_textblock] 100
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The Early 20’s
skaters: ‘ Travyn Spurlock / “Turkey” , Chris Pierre, Nick Jones, Joel Perez, and Jose Campos, Hawk, Eric Abundis, Jeremiah Johnson, Carlos Bizcarra, Don Gill, Chris Chann, Adrian Lignos, Mike Korzevinski, Joe Kalada, João Criscuolo, Kadian Maxwell, Nick Dunner, Eddie, & Jeff Dechesare ‘ Film / Edit by: East2DaWeSide 6
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Matney dropped a New Single
Matney dropped a new single “All Fired Up”, is an invigorating and hard hitting track blending blues, funk, hard rock and heavy metal 12
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SEASON 7 ep2 Line up: Future Sk8r: Ben Knox Music: Prodigal Sunn Interview: Jeremy Wray Location: West Coast Skate Supply Host by Tommie Zam film/edit by: Carl Carpentier, John Vogit, Aaron ‘BabyCakes’ Lopez, & Jon Kushner sponsor by: Keen Ramps, Lakai, Ghost Ship Supply, Man Butter, Rad Jerky, Yabai, Killah Koffee, & Churchs Chicken…
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Cliché Bon Voyage Trailer
Cliché dropped a new trailer for their upcoming video, Bon Voyage, coming in March 14