Watch Akim Bonilla new edit “Stylo”
Watch Akim Bonilla new edit “Stylo”
skaters: ‘ Jordan Rosales, Maggie McDorman, Brian Lupcho, Maddie Speare, Chacho, Flaco, Alex, Tyler & Vizz, Faith Doudna, Maya Volpacchio, & Nathan Vitale ‘ film/edit by: Justin Marko & Sebastian Lopez 16
Bronson Bearings Co dropped a commercial with Pedro Delfino’s & Alexis Ramirez shredding on a NEW Pro G3 Bearings! 83
Natisa GoGol dropped a music video for her latest single ‘ Into The Wild ‘, is a song about female empowerment and how feminine energy rules the world 10
Tyler DeWitt reviews Fayuca Skateboards new board graphic, the Corazon Dos. 32
[av_textblock size=” font_color=’custom’ color=”] Skateboarding & Beer go hand to hand on any kind of social events. Before you head out to the next skate spot, you stop by the corner store to grab a six pack or 3 pack of tall boy for you & your homies. You crack open a cold one while…