What got you into skateboarding?
what influenced me to skate was my grandmother, she gave me my first skate, I was 8 years old, but at the time I was not in the mood to skate, I didn’t know anything about skate , and it was like a toy in the beginning, then I left skateboarding aside because I wanted to be a football player, at the time everyone at school wanted to be a player, but there was a colleague of mine who was always with me, then one day he went to my house and saw that I had a skateboard, and he asked me to skate with him, he already had a skateboard and already knew how to walk, so I was pillaged, the next day we started walking on the street in front from my house, then he was teaching me the maneuvers he taught me ollie, so I spent the whole day trying to climb the rope on the sidewalk in front of the house, and after that I started walking every day, and I haven’t stopped until today
What is your skate scene like in your city?
In the mainstay the skate scene has always been strong, there was a time that mainstay was considered the capital of skateboarding, due to the fact that several monsters skaters from the city, names like: Alexandre Ribeiro, Guilherme Zolin, Guilherme da luz, Anderson Roberto Dominguez Didi , Daniel crazy, Rafael Russo, among several other big names. In the old one there was a peak that nowadays unfortunately no longer has the name of banks, all the people from the old one gathered there and skated, over time, destroyed the banks and built the heart of Mary square, which they still have today , and that is the track where I grew up skating and I still ride today, the skate scene on the mainstay is still going strong, thanks to the skaters who keep leaving here, everywhere people respect the mainstay people for the legacy they already have , and will continue to have, one of the great names of mainstay today is my brother Talles Silva, who wherever he goes he takes the name very well represents the city of mainstay
What is you to go trick to start your sesh?
To start the session, I warm up with more basic maneuvers, on the ground to loosen my legs.
Do you feel skateboarding has changed your life? How?
Yes, skateboarding changed my life. And because thanks to skateboarding I learned most of the things I know today, it showed me a lot about people, friendships, how people are, who is true and who is not, this I learned thanks to skateboarding I learned on the street, skateboarding beyond from the street was a school for me that provided me with knowledge about all these stops, that the street was already bringing me, but skateboard complemented everything and through the skateboard that I can, make new friends, and express myself better with people
What pro skater inspires your skateboarding?
Several professional skaters inspire me, but one of the skaters that inspired me the most was the Antwan Dixon, for the style and his maneuvers, but nowadays I am much more inspired by my friends and the guy who most inspires me and is my brother is Talles Silva, who in my opinion is the best skater of all.
Do you prefer watching skate videos on social media or buying it? Why?
Good as I don’t have a DVD at home, so I prefer to watch the videos on the internet, which you can watch anytime and anywhere, but if I have the condition and the opportunity to buy a skateboard video I buy it.
What is the gnarliest trick you have ever done? How did you feel when you landed it?
most horrible maneuvers do not exist, skateboard is always in constant evolution, when you are learning a maneuver in the beginning you do not know how to send it right, but over time it will improve
Tell us little bit about your local skate shop & what they do for skateboard scene?
Nowadays there is no skate shop that strengthens the run and the skate scene unfortunately, but a while ago there was a store called Venice all boards that did several championships, best tricks and supported the local crowd, only today in unfortunately no one has a skate shop in mainstay, does anything for skateboarding in the city
What is your daily routine before you go shred?
It has no right routine, it depends on the day, which session it will be, which place we will walk to, but it is usually to wake up tomorrow, have a coffee, eat something and go out on the street, there are days that the guy doesn’t even eat anything and even so it goes out on the street, it’s not bad, the stuff is Skateboard.
Any inspiring words you want to tell the next generation of skaters?
never give up