True Sk8board Mag

The Lumber Jack Artist

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Hello to whoever is reading this. First off, I’d just like to mention that art is a hardcore hobby of mine. Hence, it is not my full-time career. With this said, I am an artist/creator from the Washington Metropolitan area (i.e. D.C.). Over the years, I have been heavily involved with pencil drawing, acrylic painting, illustration work, and various forms of mixed media art. I also dabble into watercolor and charcoal. However, these are not my primary choices.
For the most part, I create portrait art relating to hip-hop artists and other musical genres. But, I also create lowbrow skateboard art very similar to some of the old-school graphics seen in the 80s and 90s. Simply put, these subject matters are what I enjoy in life, so, these subject matters are what I focus ‘most’ of my artwork on.
After this extremely brief introduction of myself—I’m hoping that the readers of True enjoy my pictures and/or gallery of work that True Sk8boarding magazine has presented. In other words, I am hoping that your eyes will have some fun. You will find many untamed designs and mediums. This includes rough work on canvas, illustration board, and on the back of skateboard decks.
Last , but not least, for further information—feel free to check out my links that True Magazine has provided.
Instagram: @kevincarmodyart
Facebook: kevincarmodyart

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